Quantum computing
In a computer or communication device, information is embodied in some physical system; the capabilities of such an information processing device are derived from its physical properties. It is known that if the device is quantum mechanical, i.e., it exploits the physical laws of quantum mechanics, then its capabilities can exceed those of classical devices. Taking a theoretical physics approach, our group investigates solid-state systems for quantum information processing. In particular, we investigate single electron spin dynamics and coherence in semiconductor and carbon nanostructores (quantum dots, quantum wires, etc.) as well as superconducting qubits. Further research areas include light-matter interactions between solid-state qubits and photons, optical cavities and the use of cavity quantum electrodynamics for quantum information processing, and the production, dynamics, and characterization of entanglement in solid-state systems. We are also working on the theory of quantum computation and quantum information.
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Nature's quantum side - with Victoria Coren-Mitchell
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Hear theoretical physicists John Preskill and Spiros Michalakis describe quantum computing on YouTube (illustrated by Jorge Cham of PhD Comics)