Semester | Title lecture / seminar | Professor | ZEuS | Skript |
WS 23/24 | Quantrum Computing | Prof. G. Burkard | ZEuS | |
S 23 | Physik IV: Integrierter Kurs | Prof. G. Burkard | ZEuS | |
W 22/23 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics | Prof. G. Burkard | ZEuS | |
W 22/23 | Quantum Information and Entanglement | Dr. Dr. Regina Finsterhölzl, Dr. Joris Kattemölle | ZEuS | |
S 22 | Quantum Computing | Prof. G. Burkard | ZEuS | |
W 21/22 | Physics IK III | Prof. G. Burkard | ZEuS | Skript |
W 21/22 | Practical Machine Learning for Quantumn Computing und Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning | Dr. Violeta Ivanova-Rohling Dr. Niklas Rohling | ZEuS | |
S 21 | Superconducting Quantum Circuits for Quantum Information Processing | Dr. Amin Hosseinkhani | ZEuS | |
W 20/21 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics | Prof. G. Burkard | ZEuS | Skript (version 2018/19) |
W 20/21 | Machine Learning for Quantum Computing and Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning (Theory Seminar) | Dr. Violeta Ivanova-Rohling | ZEuS | Skript |
S 20 | Quantum Computing (and Quantum Simulation) | Prof. G. Burkard | ZEuS | |
S 20 | Superconducting quantum hardware for quantum computing (Theory Seminar) | Dr. Amin Hosseinkhani | ZEuS | |
W 19/20 | Quantum information theory | Prof. G. Burkard | preliminary and incomplete version: download [1.4 MB] | |
S19 | Physik IV: Integrierter Kurs | experimental part: Prof. E. Weig theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | ZEuS | |
S19 | Superconductor-based quantum information processing (Theory Seminar) | Dr. Amin Hosseinkhani | ZEuS | |
W18/19 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics | Prof. G. Burkard | Skript (18.02.2019) PDF [2.2 MB] | |
W18/19 | Quantum Optics | Dr. Andrey Moskalenko | ||
S18 | Quantum Information Theory | Prof. G. Burkard | preliminary and incomplete version: zum Download [1.4 MB] | |
W 17/18 | Physik IK III | experimental part: Prof. Dr. Elke Scheer theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | ||
W17/18 | Quantum Optics | Dr. Andrey Moskalenko | ||
S17 | Group Theory and Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics | Dr. Andrey Moskalenko | ||
W16/17 | Physics IK I | experimental part: Prof. L. Schmidt-Mende theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | ||
S16 | Quantum Information Theory | Prof. G. Burkard | download [1.4 MB] | |
S16 | Group Theory and Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics | Prof. G. Burkard, Dr. Andor Kormányos | ||
W 16/17 | Introduction to topological insulators | Dr. Andor Kormanyos Dr. Alexander Pearce Prof. G. Burkard | ||
S15 | Group Theory and Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics | Prof. G. Burkard, Dr. Andor Kormányos, Dr. Andrey Moskalenko | ||
W15 | Physics IK I | experimental part: Prof. T. Dekorsy theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | ||
S15 | Physics IK IV | experimental part: Prof. M. Fonin (s. auch separate Webseite) theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | Skript IK4 2012 (Stand 5.11.2012) (PDF 6MB) | |
S15 | Group Theory and Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics | Dr. Andor Kormanyos Dr. Andrey Moskalenko Prof. G. Burkard | ||
W 15/16 | Introduction to topological insulators | Dr. Andor Kormanyos Dr. Alexander Pearce Prof. G. Burkard | Lecture_Notes_arXiv:1509.02295 | |
W14/15 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics | Prof. G. Burkard | PDF [2.8MB] | |
S14 | Quantum Information Theory | Prof. G. Burkard | download [1.4 MB] | |
W13/14 | Physics IK III | experimental part: PD Dr. Mikhail Fonin theoretical part: Prof. C. Müller | ||
S13 | Quantum Information Theory | Prof. G. Burkard | download [837KB] | |
S13 | Theory seminar: Electronic and optical properties of graphene | Dr. Andor Kormanyos Dr. Julien Rioux Prof. G. Burkard | ||
W12/13 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics | Prof. G. Burkard | download PDF [2.8MB] | |
S12 | Physics IK IV | experimental part: Prof. G. Maret theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | download (PDF 6MB) | |
S11 | Theory seminar on the optical properties of semiconductors | |||
S11 | Physics IK IV | experimental part: Prof. G. Maret theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | ||
W10/11 | Solid State Theory | Prof. G. Burkard | ||
S10 | Physics IK IV | experimental part: Prof. E. Scheer theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | ||
W09/10 | Physics IK III | experimental part: Prof. A. Leitenstorfer theoretical part: Prof. G. Burkard | ||
S09 | Theory seminar on Superconductivity and Bose-Einstein condensation | Dr. Anna Posazhennikova | ||
S09 | Theory seminar on the electronic properties of graphene | Prof. G. Burkard | ||
W08/09 | Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics | Prof. G. Burkard | download PDF [2.8MB] | |
S08 | Theory seminar on quantum information theory | Prof. J. Audretsch (J.A.) |